This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)



Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are all the options available within the Vised Marks plugin?

  • Explore an exhaustive list of all the options available in the Vised Marks plugin.

Getting Started

Editing data using this method is a manual way for you to inspect the scroll data and at the same time mark it up into different components. This method can be used before and after editing the data using scripts, depending on what aspects of the data you are looking at. Marks can help you visually interpret the data and will also save the marks selections on the data that you have made. This information can be used later to isolate or chop up the data into the different selections.

Vised Scroll Plot

In order to start directly editing and placing marks, load the scroll data by navigating to Edit->Visually Edit in Scroll Plot.

Edit Vised Drop Down Menu

The first pop up that shows up should look similar to the figure below.

Edit Vised

If you haven’t already, go check out the using vised episode to find out what each of these interface fields are. If you have already created or loaded a configuration file then most of these fields will already be complete.

The most important field for this manual editing method is the key select command [keyselectcommand] as it is where you can define each of your editing key strokes. You will be creating a cell array of strings that should follow the following pattern, with one [key press/function] on each line:


First is the keyboard key that you going to assign a certain action to, followed by a comma and the function that you be calling with this key press. Typically, this is ve_eegplot() or ve_edit(). These functions are explained on the Functions Wiki Page on Github, as well as in the built in Matlab help command.

Key Select Command Popup

The ve_eegplot() and ve_edit() functions both contain different common actions you may want as hotkeys in them, some of which are outlined below. You can call as many key_actions as you would like in the same function. You can also assign a key to call two different functions by simply creating a new line and reusing the same designated key stroke.


key_action key_value Description
‘topoplot’ [figure handle] Draws a topographic plot of the time selected
‘drawp’ [movement direction] Refreshes and redraws the figure

Where movement direction is:

0 - to redraw
1 - to move left by one window
2 - to move left by one second
3 - to move right by one second
4 - to move right by one window


key_action key_value Description
‘quick_event_make’ or ‘qem’ [‘name_of_event’] Insert event at latency of mouse pointer
‘quick_channel_flag’ or ‘qcf’ [‘name_of_chan_info_mark_label’] Flag the channel at mouse pointer with the named mark.
‘select_mark’ or ‘sm’ [‘on’ or ‘off’] Select (winrej highlight) the period of time flagged by time_info mark under the mouse pointer.
‘add_winrej_marks’ or ‘awm’ [‘name_of_time_info_mark’] Insert a mark on the data selected by the winrej highlight under the mouse pointer.
‘remove_winrej_mark’ or ‘rwm’ [‘name_of_time_info_mark’] Remove the named time_info mark on for the period of winrej highlight under the mouse pointer. If the ‘name_of_time_info_mark’ is set as ‘pop_select’ a pop up selection appears on each use.
‘add_page_mark’ or ‘apm’ [‘name_of_time_info_mark’] Applies a mark to the whole page window.
‘remove_page_mark’ or ‘rpm’ [‘name_of_time_info_mark’] Removes a mark from the whole page window.
‘page_forward’ or ‘pf’ [‘on’ or ‘off’] Moves 1 page forward, based on the time displayed.
‘data_move’ or ‘dm’ [‘on’ or ‘off’] Data move from data2 to data array for selected period.

Once you have input all of the keystrokes that you want to be editing with, you should make sure that the other configuration settings are also set as desired. Across the top of the pop up page there are four additional selections that were not in the configuration interface:

Top Part of Visually Edit

You can change these fields by typing or by clicking the | ... | button and using the selection tool.

  1. Channels to display in the window: In this field, you can select what channels/components you would like to display in the pop up scroll data window. Alternatively you can also use the number of channels to display option in the main config fields and use the side scroll bar to navigate the window.
  2. Events to display: This will filter which events will be displayed on the scroll data.
  3. Mark types to include in rejection: This section contains the types of marks that you will be rejecting when you click the Update EEG Structure button. By default this field contains manual marks.
  4. At the top right there is a drop down selection between EEG and ICA data types. The marking system works the same way in ICA components mode, except instead of displaying the channel data it will display the component data.

If you leave the function ve_edit() blank, then your keystroke will give you the following popup menu to create an action:

Edit Event Popup

From this interface you can either create an event or toggle a channel command.

Visual Editing Options

The first group of configuration options deal with assigning hotkeys to different plotting functions. These will allow you to quickly add visual marks to the the data scroll plot when using the Editing Marks Visually method.

Quick Event Create

String event type to immediately add (without a pop up window) when the alternate press ([Ctrl + left-click] or [right-click]) is executed on the eegplot data axis. This option overwrites any other specification for altselectcommand at run time (Default = ‘’ = no quick event).

Quick Event Remove

Quick Channel Flagging

All of the select commands above use cell arrays to capture the field data. Make sure you use the following structure, with each function ending with a semicolon and a new line at the end:


Cell Array Functions Only


First is the keyboard key that you are going to assign a certain action to, followed by a comma and the function that will be called with this key press. Typically this will be ve_eegplot() or ve_edit(). The inputs to these functions are explained in more detail in the Edit Data Visually episode.

Key String Command

EEG Plot Options

The second group of configuration options deal with creating a default setting for the scroll data pop up. This allows you to control how large the plot is, the window time length, the number of channels to display, and more.

Marks Property Options

This last section of the configuration deals with adjusting how your marks will appear visually on the scroll data. This includes transparency and spacing.

Key Points