This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Lossless Quality Control Procedure: Glossary

Key Points

Running the Quality Control Script
  • The input for running the QC script is *_ll.set files.

  • The QC procedure is a manual review of the decsions the pipeline made. The annontations in the component EEG data scroll can be edited to update decisions about the data.

  • The output is *_qcr.set* files which contain the updated annotation information.

Introduction to the Quality Control Procedure
  • The goal of the QC procedure is to remove artefacts from the data through marking components and time periods for removal.

Interacting with the Data
  • Left-clicking toggles the highlight tool

  • Right-clicking over a component toggles the manual mark

  • Pressing the ‘m’ key over a highlighted time period will add the manual mark

  • Pressing [shift + m] over a highlighted time period will remove the manual mark

  • Pressing the ‘a’ key will mark a component ambiguous

  • The overlay can be turned on and off by pressing ‘o’ and updated by pressing ‘u’

Making Decisions About the Data
  • Establishing an approach that allows for reliably identify artefacts based on as few subjective factors as possible.

Practicing the Quality Control Procedure
  • The *_qcr.set file will contain the updated annotations and is ready for further processing such as segmentation.)
