Download and install MATLAB
- You will need a fairly recent version of MATLAB (procedure tested on MATLAB 2012b and newer versions). For detailed installation instructions, click here.
Download the Face13 sample dataset
The Face13 tutorial dataset can be downloaded from this google drive. Download the
folder from the drive. This folder contains the raw EEG data, standard montages that are used during initialization, and task information. -
To run through this Lossless Quality Control (QC) tutorial, the data needs have been run through the Lossless pipeline. The steps to prepare data for the pipeline can be found in the [BIDS-EEG-EEGLAB tutorial]( The steps for running the data through the Lossless pipeline can be found in the Lossless Pipeline Tutorial.
Both the BIDS-EEG-EEGLAB tutorial and the Lossless Pipeline tutorial should be completed prior to this QC tutorial.