This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

The Lossless Pipeline: Glossary

Key Points

  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)

The Lossless Pipeline
  • Decisions are made via criteria functions.

  • Parameters are changed via batch configuration files.

Downloading the Lossless Pipeline
  • Ensure the pipeline is set up on both the local and remote machine.

  • Remember to always pay attention to whether you are running a bash command on your local machine versus the remote computer cluster.

Co-registering EEG Data
  • Co-registering data to a standard montage allows for comparison to other studies.

  • Co-registration occurs during the Lossless Pipeline in the s01 script based on a determined transformation matrix.

Running the Lossless Pipeline
  • Ensure you have all the pipeline files and your data files on both the local and remote machine.

  • The input file for the Lossless pipeline is *_eeg.edf and the output files are *.edf, *_ll.set, *icasphere.tsv, *icaweights.tsv, *dipole.mat, *_annotations.mat, *_annotations.tsv, and *_annotations.json.

  • Remember to always pay attention to whether you are running a bash command on your local machine versus the remote computer cluster.
